New Standard Tumble Dryers: A standard domestic tumble dryer recommended by many fabric specifiers, 120 minute timer, 5kg load, reversing action, 2 heat settings and 10 minute cooling time.

Complying with Internationally recognised standards, it is important to use machinery that gives consistently repeatable results. Here at Equiptex we can offer a machine that complies with International standards which is ideal as a standard reference drying unit for textile samples.

In accordance with International and retailers test methods an accurate temperature control together
with accurate timing of the process cycle and drum rotation reversals.

The temperature of the exhausted air is monitored together with the process temperature. Both are displayed on simple to use digital control. The physical parameters are designed to meet the requirements of the following standards and other test methods developed by retailers:
EN ISO 6330:2001
EN 26330 1993
ISO 6330 1984
Marks &Spencers
P1A, P3A, P3B, P4, P4A, P12, P91

We Currently also have Used precision Tumble Dryers with Digital Controller. A standard domestic tumble dryer which has been modified with the addition of an accurate electronic controller to control exhaust temperature to +/-1 degree C and cycle time within one second. Capacity 5kg, reversing action, 10 minute cooling time.

Please contact us here to make an enquiry.